We are building a page of relevant links to organisations and businesses in the local area that fit with the environmental remit of Transition Fareham. Any suggestions, then please drop us a line.

 La Saletta - cafe / bar

Please pop into La Saletta - a friendly cafe / bar that supports Transition Fareham by hosting our monthly get-togethers (Green Drinks). They will possibly be stocking local, organic ales on our request. Click the picture to link to their site.

 Fundraising through using the website!

Please use the links to Amazon on this website as any purchases through these links will enable Transition Fareham to gain a small amount of commission. 


Lee-on-the-Solent Litteraction



We are an informal group associated with LOSRA  who campaign and take direct action to clean up our community.  The vision is to have every road in Lee-on-the-Solent adopted by it's residents and to make it a more attractive place to live,work and visit.  
Please join the group to receive emails about future events

Greener Fareham - your local guide to a greener Fareham

This excellent local resource provides a good starting place for connecting with green-minded organisations and people, projects and ideas. Charlotte Ellis has done a great job in getting this up and running. Please go and support her efforts by using the site. The picture provides a link.

Stop press! The above link may not be active any more as Charlotte has finished running the site with a view to getting something else up and running. Watch this space. 

 Wikaniko - local Fareham Eco-Business

Parish Ecology Group

Meet at the Sacred Heart Church Hall on the last Friday of the month at 7.30 to 9pm.

They are known as the Parish Ecology Group and cover environmental issues and do practical things such as recycling of Aluminium Foil and plastic milk bottle tops marked with a 2 0r 4 inside. They have a sorting day every Friday at the church hall.

They are also enthusiastic supporters of Transition Fareham, the halls can be used free of charge provided dates are known well in advance.

To make a booking contact John Vivian at john.vivian@ntlworld.com or 01329 319301 and for information about other events. 

 Greening Campaign (Fareham)

The Greening Campaign is an innovative idea to help motivate people to reduce their energy consumption and lower their personal and community carbon footprint by committing themselves to a number of challenges. It’s based on the principle that individuals may feel powerless to change things on their own but that communities working together can make a real difference. The Council is supporting the development of up to five Greening Campaigns in the Borough and this has been enthusiastically taken up. The Stubbington Greening Campaign is the most advanced and held its public launch with a display at Stubbington Library in November. A second campaign in North Fareham is due to have its public launch in March. Further Campaigns are planned for Central Fareham, Portchester and Broadlaw Walk. To find out more visit: greening-campaign.co.uk


Help with Lee-On-The-Solent LitterAction!


Town or City: Lee-on-the-Solent
Areas covered: Lee-on-the-Solent; Local beaches; We also help with clean ups across Gosport.

Working Together for a Cleaner and Greener Lee

We are an informal group associated with LoveLee Community which takes direct action to make our community free of rubbish. 
We also want to raise awareness and encourage responsibility in relation to litter amongst residents, businesses and other organisations. 

Our vision is to have every road in Lee-on-the-Solent adopted by  residents  and to make it a cleaner and greener  place to live.
Let us know which road or open space  you could adopt.
Graham : 07584634336

We also aim to encourage waste reduction and more recycling.  
Plastic Bag Free Lee -
We support the Marine Conservation Society's campaign to eradicate plastic bags from our Community.  
We are encouraging businesses and organisations to sponsor a waste/recycling bin outside their premises.   

Please join the group to receive emails about future events. 
You are reminded that you take part at your own risk.



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